(We thank God for His covenant of grace. As believing
parents, we understand that the same blessings of salvation that Christ has won
for us will also be enjoyed by our son Chairo. On May 13, 2012, the sign and
seal of the covenant have been administered to him by Rev. Clave Ray D. Hicks. Oh,
that God will grant us the wisdom and grace to encourage Chairo to love and
serve the Lord who has died for him.-Che)
(On the rainy night of May 10, 2012 at the Hope Presbyterian
Church (HCP) during the 32nd Stated Meeting of the Northern Luzon
Presbytery (NLP), Marlon was ordained as a minister under the Presbyterian Church of the Philippines, and installed as the
Senior Pastor of HPC. While it is the calling and commitment to God that counts most, public ceremonies are commitments made in public. May God's grace and the gospel grip your heart all the more hons; the Holy Spirit fill your every moment of service to our Master; and all the glory and honor be His alone. -Che)