Khane Kits: honeymoon baby, made in the Philippines, 3 peanut-sized stones, born in Japan.
Chairo Paul: made in Palawan, torn achilles tendon, almost came out on the taxi, born in Baguio city.
Kharece Reba (assuming!!!): third and last baby, made not sure, aborted 3-wks trip to India, born ?
God is good and He is great.
God is good and He is great.
God is good and He is great.
No wonder David can worship God the way he does in many of the Psalms.
No wonder Nehemiah can pray the way he does in the book of Nehemiah.
No wonder Paul can speak of God's grace, mercy, power and glory in his epistles.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? – Psalm 8:3-4
"How is it that God comes forth from so noble and glorious a part of his works, and stoops down to us, poor worms of the earth, if it is not to magnify and to give a more illustrious manifestation of his goodness? From this, also, we learn, that those are chargeable with a very presumptuous abuse of the goodness of God, who take occasion from it to be proud of the excellence which they possess, as if they had either obtained it by their own skill, or as if they possessed it on account of their own merit; whereas their origin should rather remind them that it has been gratuitously conferred upon those who are otherwise vile and contemptible creatures, and utterly unworthy of receiving any good from God. Whatever estimable quality, therefore, we see in ourselves, let it stir us up to celebrate the free and undeserved goodness of God in bestowing it upon us."- Calvin J. commentary on Psalm 8:3-4