31 October 2015

Aventuras en España

(I met this Spanish Professor at one of the European Commission's Annual Higher Education Fair in 2014; in the course of our discussion, he suggested that I apply to this Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Staff Mobility Grant under what he called Swap and Transfer (SAT) Program; relatively simple application, not one that required detailed proposals etc so didn't hurt to try anyway. By a stroke of luck aka God's sovereignty, I was awarded 1 month staff mobility in the field of Social Science cum International Relations. Didn't really want a month and thanks to visa approval  delays (initially frustrating), my tutor's availability, etc., I got my perfect three weeks-get away at zero cost to BSU except of course for my salary for the whole period. I thank BSU for allowing me. I thank my hubby for permitting me and for time and again willingly taking over my roles in the household. I thank the progress in communication technology as well because I still got to see him and the kids everyday although it was not easy catching them awake. I came home with one signed (University of Oviedo) and two draft MOUs (Huelva University and Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) from the three universities I visited (which will become useless if there will be no interest from faculty and staff to pursue collaborative activities, and willingness for BSU to share counterpart funds), but more importantly, some renewed motivation, learning, and exposure that can't be had in any classroom or office setting. (My colleague in the program was an assistant director for International Relations in a Vietnam university and he said the Vietnamese government funds scholarships for their professors, lecturers, and eligible students to study in European universities. Anyway, while I wish that I can say that as well, I'm happy enough that I have widened my horizon and learned about the opportunities and mechanisms available in the EU system.) 

Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
University of Oviedo, Oviedo Campus

Engr. Sy of Vietnam and Prof. Rifa, my tutor from the University of Oviedo

With Mr. Camaro, an Erasmus Ph.D. student at UNIOVI

University of Oviedo, Gijon

Universidad de Huelva/Huelva Province

(While my Vietnamese colleague in the program went for sightseeing to Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Barcelona, for the love of BSU he he, I opted to visit the strawberry region of Andalucia.)

With Prof. Juan Diego Borrero of University of Huelva and a blueberry farmer

With Prof. Fatima Ruiz in one of the strawberry farms of Huelva Province
Romanian nationals working as seasonal labor force in Huelva, Spain

Soilless culture - raspberry production

Instituto Andaluz de Investigacion y Formacion Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Produccion Ecologica (IFAPA), Malaga (South Spain)

Strawberry Genebank at IFAPA, Malaga
The strawberry genebank manager
Prof. Carmen Soria of IFAPA, Malaga

Wild strawberry varieties

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM)

Prof. Engr. Rosa, Director International Relations of the School of Agriculture, Food and Biosystems Engineering at Unibersidad Politecnica de Madrid (one of the top Agriculture universities in Spain) presenting their programs

Newfound friends
Ate Nena from Abra, Prof. Abigal of UST, Ms. Maylene of Atok Trail, Baguio city and Ms Sharon Pugong of  Hingyon, Ifugao

Mr. Camaro, Ms. Emily, Prof. Abigail, Ms. Academic International School owner and Mr. Harold, Erasmus Master's student

Instant Philippine Academic Community in Oviedo (PACO) haha

Cidra tradition in Asturias
Ms. Sylvia, coordinator of SAT program at UNIOVI
Pugong Family at Oviedo
with Vietnamese Mr. Sy
Half day fun with my sister who met up with me in Madrid from Italy

Burnham park, Madrid version
Luneta, Madrid version

with  my sister Beverly Casiwan Lictao living in Modena, Italy