29 October 2016

US Peace Corps Response Volunteer Swearing-In Ceremony with Outgoing US Ambassador to the Philippine Philip Goldberg

These pictures were taken during the Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) Orientation in Manila. US Ambassador Philip Goldberg swore-in 11 US Peace Corps Response Volunteers assigned to the Philippines for seven (7 mos.). Mr. Michael Guerci  (in blue barong) is assigned at BSU. Some 2 more are assigned to Bohol Island State University (BISU). The rest are assigned to local government units in Luzon and Visayas.

11 October 2016

“Gracefaithwalk.blogspot.com” blog turns 10

Blogs (originating from the term “web log” according to Raab, 2016) are kind of modern-day journals more public and less personal than the more traditional diaries, and may not necessarily be regular as daily, weekly or monthly. Ours started 10 years ago, mostly as our way to update friends and family as I was to embark on graduate school in another country. It has now evolved to be more of a memoir our kids may be interested to read in the future; thanksgiving accounts of some sort; a collage of events with some personal analysis; some scribbling on topics we feel passionately about; some merely a way of thinking out loud or de-stressing; really, whatever goes. Ten years at it and I could say, it can be downright therapeutic.

The blog name started as http://daijoubu_desu.blogspot.com but we changed it to gracefaithwalk.blogspot.com. This is to acknowledge that our journey on this earth is all a product of God’s plan and sovereignty, and tons and tons of unmerited favors from our creator God. At the same time, being a sinner – forgiven but not immune to sin, and living in a fallen world where challenges, problems and struggles are part of reality, it is mostly a walk of faith in the person and works of our Redeemer Jesus Christ through the guidance and indwelling of the Holy Ghost.
As we try to kunwari remember how time flies as it is now the 10th year since the first post in this blog, we (I and my husband) thank our family, closest friends, friends, churchmates, past churchmates, FB friends, acquaintances who continue to journey with us. Our wish at this point is that this blog may serve to encourage readers to be more reflective and grateful of the daily occurrences in their lives, and see how blessed one can be even in the most trivial of all events, in the loneliest of all moments, or in the grandest of all accomplishments. We hope this blog will remind us continually of the perspective that life is transient on this earth, but there is also the great hope of a life eternal.