Date Due: December 15, 2007
The Name
Date Born: November 29, 2007
Time: 9:34 pm
Place: JA Hospital, Nankoku city, Kochi, Japan
OB/Gyne: Dr. Cenoma
Weight: 3.012 kg
Length: 47 cm
Khane is the phonetic spelling of the Old Testament Hebrew word Chen, the transliterated form of the original word ax which means "grace of God". We recognize that Khane's coming to our lives, and everything before and after that is nothing but grace from God.
Kits is short for Quitongan, the middle name of Daddy Domingo. It is also the nickname of Manong Winston.
Chronicles of Grace
Apr. 17 Pregnancy test kit shows positive.
Apr. 18 Doctor confirms Che is pregnant!
Aug. 8 Marlon arrives in Japan.
Nov. 22 Che passes out two big peanut-sized kidney/bladder stones.
Nov. 26 Che passes out another kidney/bladder stone.
Nov. 28 ~ 4 pm Che starts to labor.
Nov. 29 ~ 7 pm Her water bag breaks.
Nov. 29 9:34 pm Baby Khane arrives!
Dec. 7 Mama Elsie arrives in Japan.
November 29
November 30
Irino-san and wife
December 1
December 2
December 3
December 4
(right photo) Taore-san, Inoue-san, Nagata-san (our churchmates). Inoue-san is our ever faithful interpreter who stood as sister and mother to us since the start of Che's pregnancy. She was with us at the delivery room, praying with us, crying with us, rejoicing with us.
December 5 (ready to go home)
Mukhang nanay at tatay na talaga!