16 July 2011

God's Faithfulness to HPC in the last 15 years

As He was to His Old Testament covenant community from the wilderness to the Promised Land, God has been faithful to us since our establishment in General Lim Street to our settlement in Dreamland. Being the first formal convert-member at HPC, I wit­nessed how God’s faithful hand has been all the way with us . . .
. . . In the midst of our moving from place to place. From the spacious building rented by Grace Missionary Training School (GMTS) to house church­es in Upper Pinget to our present church building, transferring our worship center, carrying our things along, and keeping God’s flock in the fold were not easy. Our nomad-like transfer to 4 sites in Upper Pinget in a span of 6 years alone were not a simple journey to endure.
. . . In the midst of financial crises. Many times and at different magnitudes, we were seized with financial difficulties: overdue building rental and utility bills; missed or late support for Ptr. Daniel and other workers; not enough seminary support for Ptr. Joel; lack of funds for countless activities that neces­sitated sacrificial giving from specific members; non-continuous church building construction.
. . . In the midst of complaining and mur­muring. We have to admit that just like the wilderness generation of God’s people, dissatisfaction, apathy, quarreling, disunity, and non-submission once existed amongst us.
. . . In the midst of leap of doubt and brink of scatter . . . At one span of time, many of us won­dered whether or not there is still value in sticking together as a local congregation. Some opted to find hope in going away, a few attempted to find home in another local church, while those who chose to stay suffered increas­ing agony in the heart because of bitter causes.
. . . In the midst of our successes and victories. Among others, our establishment as a church, acquisition of church lot and construction of our church building which both came after years of praying; the people who were added to our number over the years; the few but growing new generation of leaders now being discipled for Christ’s service.
In all these things our church experienced, God’s faithfulness was at work. In our hardships and downfalls, He sustained us. In our triumphs, He was behind them all. For how could we, weak and unfaith­ful people, deserve all these blessings if God had not kept and gripped us? This must be grace, an ava­lanche of unmerited favor!
. . . So what now? We received grace so let us share grace! How? Let us persevere to glorify and enjoy Him in our life by committing to participate more zealously in the mission and vision of our church.

(This is Marlon's column that came out in the 2011 HPC anniversary newsletter. Just want to share it here. God is faithful.)

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