20 November 2011

Chairo Paul C. Launio

Date Due:   November 17, 2011
Date Born: November 4, 2011
Time: 8:54 pm
Place: Pines City Doctors’ Hospital, Baguio City
OB/Gyne: Dr. Sebastian/Dr. Bansilo
Weight: 2.98 kg
Length: 49 cm

The Name

Chairo (pronounced Khah-ee-ro) is the transliterated form of an original Greek word which means "rejoice exceedingly" or “be glad (Source:

Paul, popular name but we particularly like Apostle Paul of the Bible who wrote most of the epistles and who knew how to rejoice, and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ--our utmost desire for Chairo.

Chronicles of Grace (Take 2)

March 10         Marlon and Che visit Palawan; Che accidentally tears her achilles tendon and
                        begins to wear crutches for a month and quad cane for another month.
End of March  Che tests positive.
May                 Che gets hospitalized for urinary bladder retention.
Oct. 26             Left PhilRice for Baguio.
Nov. 1              At Burnham lake/children's park with Marlon and Khane.
Nov. 2              At Pyramid cemetery with Manong Winston and family.
Nov. 4 ~ 6 pm   Che starts to labor.
Nov. 4 8:45pm  Baby Chairo arrives!

Nov.  4
Nov. 5
Nov. 6

Nov. 7
 Nov. 8
(Check out December 2007 blog archive entry and see how Kuya Khane and I look similar when we were just some days old.)
(We thank all those who prayed with us since I was pregnant and for my safe delivery. We rejoice indeed for Chairo's arrival. We praise and thank God for His goodness and faithfulness. Hail Him! - Che and Marlon)

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