I believe that government starts at the bottom and moves
upward, for government exists basically for the welfare of the masses of the
I believe that he who has less in life should have more in
I believe that the little man is fundamentally entitled to
little more food in his stomach, a little more clothing on his back, and a
little more roof over his head.
I believe that this nation is endowed with a vibrant and
tout heart, and possess untapped capabilities and incredible resiliency.
I believe that a high and unwavering sense of morality
should pervade all spheres of governmental activity.
I believe that the pulse of government should be strong and
steady, and the men at the helm imbued with missionary zeal.
I believe in the majesty of constitutional and legal
processes, in the inviolability of human rights.
I believe that the free world is collectively strong, and
that there is neither need nor reason to compromise the dignity of man.
I believe that communism is iniquity, as is the violence it
does to the principles of Christianity.
I believe that the President has set the example of a big heart, an honest mind, sound instincts,
the virtue of healthy impatience, and an abiding love for the common man.
(Source: The Mountain Breeze, Nov-Dec. 1957)
(Source: The Mountain Breeze, Nov-Dec. 1957)
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