23 April 2020

When you cannot keep silent in a meeting and the "colonotonia" body type

I was in this middle management meeting and before I went to the meeting, I resolved that I will keep silent. I did for some time, but towards the end of the meeting, eventually I started raising my hand
and then I started talking a lot. The resolution didn't work.

That's one reason I wanted to leave, and left the that council in the first place. Because I seem to be
always seeing issues which maybe aren't issues. Then I talk and everybody gets stressed.
And I get stressed. And wished I had just shut my mouth. But it seems I can't. So better not to have attended the meeting.

But because of a promotion, I am back with this council. I had no choice.

Anyway, I will try again next time. Or maybe when this COVID thing is over, I should just
send my staff to attend the meetings. That way I need not talk when I think there is something amiss. If they don't see the issue then neither should I.

WWJD I wonder. I think that maybe He'd keep silent rather than rant. I think that maybe He will not talk much. Maybe.

Maybe I took after my Dad. I think maybe he talked a lot too during meetings. I heard he was always
the spokeperson for controversial issues or he always advocated for those who won't.

Or well maybe, it's about this "8-body type-principle" where mine, according to Ptr. Soh, the Korean practitioner in Baguio City, is "Colonotonia" (see https://www.blueroseacu.com/what-8/). Quoting from this website

"2. Colonotonia – the constitution of metal minor, born with hyperactive large intestine and a weak gallbladder, highly ambitious for the will to power, very intuitive and visionary. Born to be a leader. Should not eat meat except fish."

Sigh. I have been contesting this "born to be a leader" characteristic because I really think I am not. I resigned twice after being forced to be division head at PhilRice. I again resigned at BSU after being "designated without consent" to be a center director. No, I was not cut to be a leader. I am only "pakialamero" hehe. Yet he did successfully treat me during one of my worst "cough" ever (I was given third-gen antibiotics, and was on steroid for a month but nothing worked. I would still cough incessantly and would even pee my pants while coughing.).  He treated me with acupuncture for "colonotonia" body type, and it worked (which is, by the way, the procedure for confirming a body type).

He said, "It is because of how I was raised, and my not following the right food for me," that my being a leader didn't surface. (daw, buti na lang isip isip ko naman).

Anyway, back to my talking a lot during meetings, I don't like it but I can't help it. The curse of my body type I guess.

I just hope anyway that my rants will result to better decisions.//04232020

17 April 2020

Essay on Enhanced Community Quarantine

[As part of their learning from home activities, and to keep them from gadgets and TV, I asked my two boys to write an essay on the effect of the Enhanced Community Quarantine. Here are their compositions (unedited).]

The ECQ Essay
by: Khane Kits C. Launio (12yo)

The Covid-19 Pandemic has forced our government to implement the so called Extended Community Quarantine. The ECQ means that people will only stay in their corresponding municipalities and will only go out of their houses once a week. The ECQ has given us a suspension of classes. But what are its real effects on us? What are the positive and negative effects of ECQ in our daily lives?

This pandemic makes us stay in our homes, so what are its positive effects. First, it lets the family have a closer connection with each other given that they are all locked up in their house 6 and a half days each week. Second, the family learns more about each other like sharing their problems and sharing their achievements. Third, each and every one of them will learn how to balance their chores so that not only one or two family members will work at home while on regular days some of them just become couch potatoes. Lastly, it gives the family a time to bond with each other.

This pandemic also gives us some negative effects in just staying home. First, our daily schedules will be ruined and might let us have difficulties after all of this. For example, on regular days, we wake up at 6:00 am and now we wake up 7:30 am just because nothing important is gonna happen. then when every thing goes back to normal, we will have difficulties in waking up at 6:00 am. Another problem with this ECQ is that people might just be all-day computer sitting people. Some people might just take advantage of this ECQ and use it to just play or have fun all day long in front of their gadgets.

Overall, the ECQ is a good idea to keep this pandemic from spreading. I think that we should all spend our time wisely. We should all use our time to bond or get close with our family or do responsible acts. I don't think we should waster our time being couch potatoes, or computer addicts or gadget addicts. We should be careful of the pandemic while enjoying wisely using this time with our family while we still can.

The Effect of ECQ to Our Daily Lives
by chairo (8yo)

The effect of Covid, the government told us to stay inside our house. Inside our house, we were very bored. So what we did is cleaning the house every saturday. After cleaning, we get our notes and review. The government gave online learning, it was named commons deped, we did it we did quizziz, flashcards. And if we have nothing to do we take care of our sister.

More effects of ECQ. the effect is we cant go out so we just eat pancakes, chocolates, breverages. So what we do is everything we can do. at home, we are like in school learning, eating, playing we do. We also write, color, do paragraph, constrac sentences, we read our notes. We do lots of things, its just sad because we cannot go outside and play, go near someone outside because of ecq.

We have more. Every friday we have prayer meeting. every Sunday we praise the Lord online because we are at home. we miss our freinds our teachers everybody.

9 April 2020

Chairo's question on Trinity

(over supper)
Chairo (8yo): Di ba sabi nila Jesus is God.
             Pero sabi din nila father ni Jesus si God.
             Ano yun tatay niya ang sarili niya?

8 April 2020

Gloria, gloria, glory to God alone

 Worship from home!