5 December 2022

Aventuras en España (Take 3) and Aventure dans France

Had the privilege to attend the 32nd Annual European Association for International Education (EAIE) Conference and Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain, under the auspices or with funding from the Project Antena, with the University of Alicante and nine other universities from the Philippines, including University of Montpellier in France.

32nd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain 
(Photo credits: Dr. Feline Espique of SLU)


Lyon and Dijon, France

As part of trying to find more concrete linkages, I also extended my trip to visit three more universities in France (University of Montpellier IUT, ISARA Agroschool for Life in Lyon, France; and L' Institut Agro Dijon in Dijon, France).

University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France

With partners from University of Montpellier with Ma'am Feline Espique of SLU, and Sir Parsons Hail of CLSU 

ISARA, Lyon, France

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