29 January 2024

Kharece at 6: "A charming young lady of stated age"

Dearest Kharece,

Today, you turned 6 years old. Last October, we had you evaluated and their diagnoses were:


eye contact - fair

ability to follow instructions - fair

attention span and concentration - fair

frustration tolerance- fair to good

sitting span - good

hyperactivity - not hyperactive

stereotypical behavior - none

speech and communication skills - able to speak in phrases

social and interaction skills - very good

concept of body parts - present

attachment to certain objects - blocks

play behavior - interactive play


Gross motor skills: age-appropriate (don't quite agree with this though)

Fine motor skills: delayed

Expressive language: delayed

Receptive language: age-appropriate

Adaptive/self-hep skills: delayed

Behavioral skills: fair work behavior


A charming young lady of stated age

As you turn 6, we take time to worship God as a family to thank God for everything you are and has allowed you to achieve. How can we not? Everything you are is a manifestation of God's unending grace to our family. We continue to pray that God will indeed let you be as you have been diagnosed: a charming young lady of stated age but to add "who understands faith in Christ."

Our prinsisita Ayen

Thank God for the blessing of children.

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