30 January 2025

Thank God for 7 years of God's faithfulness to Kharece

Dear Kharece,

Today, you turned 7 years old, a special age to most. We opted not to celebrate it with friends or with any fun-filled birthday party. It was enough that on your 7th birthday, we held the first ever Youth Minisports Camp at BSU to minister to our youth from Pinget and BSU. It was a wonderful day with our youth at Pinget playing soccer, some youth and adults playing bastketball and volleyball, and the usually happy tug-of-war. You and Keno had a wonderful time yourselves running around at the BSU oval. You even had much fun catching tadpoles in a dirty still water somewhere in the BSU oval premises.

We thank God again for another year He took care of you. Your milestones this year: you started going to school at SPED since August and you seem to be enjoying and getting ahead some of your classmates. You enjoy going to school although you are lazy with school works as you prefer playing or eating your crackers. But your teacher says you have a good chance to be promoted to regular kinder.

We praise and thank God for your "kuyas" who are sometimes pissed off with you but are nevertheless melted when you start displaying your sweet antiques. You say thank you for small little things done for you, say please when you really want something, and say bye to everyone when you leave the room. Oh these are normal gestures in the normal world, but we sure are ecstatic that these are normal to you as well.

We love you Kharece and we will continue to train you with best efforts.

Happy birthday.

Mama, Daddy, Khane and Chairo

26 November 2024

Tribute to Tatay William Launio

I thank God for the 17 years of knowing tatay., 15 years that he stood as my dad since Daddy Domingo died. I felt his love for Khane, Chairo, and Kharece. His many sharing of stories, skills, and experiences left great memories for Khane and Chairo through all those brief summer breaks in Malanac. They probably had no memories with Lolo Domingo who died when Khane was 2 days short of turning 2yo. But they had fantastic and life-changing memories with their “tatay”!enough first-hand memories for making the word “tatay” so endearing. More than anything, I thank God for his molding and raising the man I now call husband in the context of his given circumstances. By God’s providence and plan, he is now the head of our small family, navigating how to raise his children the way tatay has trained him but in the context of this generation and the Reformed Christian worldview he believes in. I thank God that he raised his son wonderfully, accepted me, and is the grandfather of my children. Even now for me, I close my eyes and think of memories of tatay and his characteristic smile or grin when he is cracking a joke is vivid and unforgettable. He, bringing inside something he cooked and setting it on the table in the dining table at Malanac, is a classic memory, not only because it is something I can vividly picture if I close my eyes, but more so because it replays the stories Marlon has many times shared about him prioritizing his children on matters of securing food and eating as a family. I picture him in his cowboy hat, happy for his children, his children’s children. Writing this, I am teary-eyed already, just thinking that in the next long vacation, when it is time for the boys to go home to Malanac and experience life, he will not be there. It is very unimaginable and so painful a thought. The classic voice of Kharece saying “where is tatay?” I cannot bear to hear. But such is life, there is death, because of the biblical truth of the fallen nature of man. And such is death, you can never be prepared for it. Yet in life and in death, there is hope eternal. Tatay struggled to succumb to this hope, yet in the end, he succumbed to it by God’s grace and mercy. That is enough comfort. That is enough comfort.-ccl//

(Tatay William Saroy Launio died on Nov. 17 and was buried Nov. 25, 2024)

16 October 2024

#2024 NRS Bronze

Posting this here just so it is easier to track for DPCR purposes. Thank God for His grace in allowing our simple paper to win bronze award in the Policy and Socioeconomics Category of the 2024 National Research Congress held on Oct. 8-9, 2024. It has always been bronze but thanking God still for this small win that will contribute to what the BSU hymn says “more glories to thy name will bring…” Of course, we give the utmost glory to our sovereign God for His providence. 

1 July 2024

Congratulations Chairo, our football enthusiast!

July 1, 2024

Our dearest Chairo Potpot:

We thank God and we congratulate you on passing the BSU entrance examination for Grade 7 and landing rank 5 from the many. We know that this is really what you want primarily because you want to be trained better in football. I know that you did your best and passed even if you (and I) initially doubted it given the hundreds of applicants. But understand that this is also God's will and providence for you and so He alone gets the glory. 
Boy, we are proud of you. (Your classmate Julian was right when he described you in Grade 6 as 'wasted potential". :-) Now you will be a BSU HS student like we, your Uncle Winslow, Uncle Winston, Auntie Beverly, and Auntie Beveryn had been. Of course, it was much different then. Uncle Winston was also in the Vocational Agriculture section, and we bonded well on his farm. I even learned how to use the bicycle at the Swamp area, while we were helping tend his farm. 

Son, I do not know what God has in store for you, but I pray that you will come to see the providence of Christ in your life as you grow in your knowledge of Him. You know that high school is not elementary, as your Manong Khane always tells you. You will face challenges and experiences so unlike elementary. We will always support and guide you every step of the way. You heard a lot from us already but we reiterate that we will always be around boi! :-) Plus, Manong Khane and Kharece are your best cheerers.

We love you and congratulations.

Mama and Daddy 

29 January 2024

Kharece at 6: "A charming young lady of stated age"

Dearest Kharece,

Today, you turned 6 years old. Last October, we had you evaluated and their diagnoses were:


eye contact - fair

ability to follow instructions - fair

attention span and concentration - fair

frustration tolerance- fair to good

sitting span - good

hyperactivity - not hyperactive

stereotypical behavior - none

speech and communication skills - able to speak in phrases

social and interaction skills - very good

concept of body parts - present

attachment to certain objects - blocks

play behavior - interactive play


Gross motor skills: age-appropriate (don't quite agree with this though)

Fine motor skills: delayed

Expressive language: delayed

Receptive language: age-appropriate

Adaptive/self-hep skills: delayed

Behavioral skills: fair work behavior


A charming young lady of stated age

As you turn 6, we take time to worship God as a family to thank God for everything you are and has allowed you to achieve. How can we not? Everything you are is a manifestation of God's unending grace to our family. We continue to pray that God will indeed let you be as you have been diagnosed: a charming young lady of stated age but to add "who understands faith in Christ."

Our prinsisita Ayen

Thank God for the blessing of children.

11 January 2023

Dr. Domingo Quitongan Casiwan St.

On January 16, 2023, the BSU family will unveil the name of some of its streets named after some previous officials at BSU, including daddy DOMINGO QUITONGAN CASIWAN. His name won't ring a bell to many now at BSU, and not that having a small stretch named after you has any eternal significance, but I know from my interactions with daddy of how he so loved MSAC/BSU. Of course, BSU has been our family's source of bread and butter as they say, but way more than that, I know how Dad sincerely and to the best of his ability served BSU.

The university board secretary was asking me a few days back what his milestones were as CA dean (as she said she has no resource person in mind). Honestly, I do not know. I only know he was a previous dean, a previous Vice President of Research and Extension, a long-time officer of the then BSUTEA, and the founding president of the BSU Faculty Club. At some point, when I was reviewing the draft BSU History Coffee Table Book being written by some BSU alumni, I didn't see much of his name there. I was tempted to insert one sentence to say that he was the founding president of the BSU Faculty Club, and that the now BSUGEA Entrepreneurial Bldg. was acquired partly through his efforts (and as I remember has been a subject of controversy), or that he facilitated a few of the first internationalization efforts at BSU. I remember seeing him in his study at our old house handwriting many letters (and maybe asking his secretaries or typing himself) to universities/institutions abroad (note that there was no fax or email then) and sending them through postal mail. 

As a researcher now and as I browse previous BSU publications, I wondered, how he became a Professor VI and VP for research and extension when he has no scientific publications, or at least I can't find any on the net. And not even UMs. Of course, I know how he is known in the community of animal raisers and swine raiser associations in the past, and in our neighborhood at Balili where he was many times consulted as if he was a Vet. I also know he was sought for in relation to animal science problems, and mistaken to be a vet, but publications-wise, he would probably not be considered a faculty researcher (Peace, dad!). But like the old professors of MSAC/BSU, I know how they are known for their expertise or are usually known for practicing their craft, and hence, as a high school student, I was assigned at some point to tend to some goats, or give water and salt to a cow that is in front of the BSU Boy's dormitory (as MaryJane Tipayno would also do as a normal task budding and grafting of citrus seedlings). He taught my brothers how to do artificial insemination and cutting of newborn piglet teeth, judging gilts, etc. The rest of what I remember I alluded to in a previous blogpost Grace Faith Walk: Search results for warrior is a child

Anyway, I am happy to witness a BSU street named after him. My memory of our last talk when I came home for data collection when I was taking my PhD in Japan (a few months before he died) was very vivid. Even while many people at BSU have different narratives, during that talk, I knew and saw his heart. Whenever I pass by that now talipapa in Central Balili, I am affirmed of what his heart contains, his love for BSU. It is not in the books, and he had his share of follies in his lifetime, so history will not always be kind to him, but in my heart and in my memory of him as a parent, and in our frequent weekend talks when I started working, I know that there is no doubt he sincerely served and loved BSU as an institution. 

So I know not of his milestones, I know not of his significant contributions, I know not of his legacies, but like my favorite Professor Rodolfo Abastilla, who I think has not been honored for his contributions at BSU as much as he should, that is their very strength, that is their very blessing--the not knowing what they have done, the not telling--maybe, that is their legacy, their reward. 

Thank you MSAC, thank you BSU, thank you Sir Felipe Salaing Comila, and the current BSU management. It may not be necessary, but God is sovereign and allows all things for a purpose or purposes He only usually knows. May His purposes be accomplished, and all glory be Him alone.

(added to the post after the event)

5 December 2022

Aventuras en EspaƱa (Take 3) and Aventure dans France

Had the privilege to attend the 32nd Annual European Association for International Education (EAIE) Conference and Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain, under the auspices or with funding from the Project Antena, with the University of Alicante and nine other universities from the Philippines, including University of Montpellier in France.

32nd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain 
(Photo credits: Dr. Feline Espique of SLU)


Lyon and Dijon, France

As part of trying to find more concrete linkages, I also extended my trip to visit three more universities in France (University of Montpellier IUT, ISARA Agroschool for Life in Lyon, France; and L' Institut Agro Dijon in Dijon, France).

University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France

With partners from University of Montpellier with Ma'am Feline Espique of SLU, and Sir Parsons Hail of CLSU 

ISARA, Lyon, France